Magnesium, Coffee, & Body Odor.


Body odor is a sign of magnesium deficiency. I had heard that drinking coffee makes you smelly, and I noticed this to be true. My body odor was less offensive every time I took a break from coffee. Eventually, I figured out that it is not the coffee itself, but a lack of magnesium. Caffeine can deplete your magnesium stores, so if you are consuming caffeine regularly, you need to supplement with topical magnesium. The more I used my topical magnesium and built up my stores, the less I smelled. I switched to natural deodorant years ago, wanting to avoid all the aluminum and toxic chemicals found in commercial deodorants, but many “natural” and aluminum-free deodorants still have endocrine disrupting chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Now, I don’t need to wear deodorant at all and I still enjoy my morning ritual with a cup of coffee or two.

Odor is a sign. Don’t cover it up with artificial fragrances and deodorants that disrupt your hormones, block your lymphatic system, and prevent your body from detoxing. Treat the problem not the symptom. Nature and understanding are all that is required.


Magnesium for Heavy Metal Detoxification


Not all Magnesium Sprays are Created Equal.